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Senin, 04 Juni 2012



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My Group in Muaro Takus Temple

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Ayo bangkit.

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"Batu Tagak (Menhir ) di Guguak"
Child's tribe of Indonesia one of them named Minangkabau, located in the province of West Sumatra. This Minangkabau tribe adheres to the maternal lineage, not the father of the line, like the other tribes. Where to start? These unresolved arkeology experts to date. A site of archaeological heritage in the form of large stone called Menhir megalithikum cultural heritage (developed 2000-2500 BC). The one stone that describes the information that leads to descendants of the tribe, found in Guguak. a subdistrict in the district fifty City, West Sumatera Province. Written on the stone images of women and gender on it there is a bird carrying eggs. A strong suspicion that this place was my first time making a deal Minangkabau people embrace the maternal lineage.
  • Week 1 May 07, 2012 (Click to reveal)

"Pakaian Adat Minangkabau"
Women's clothing Minangkabau in central Sumatra, is in the three provinces, namely Riau, Jambi and most cultured people in West Sumatera Minankabau. Traditional clothing shall be worn as in photos of women in Minankabau, regardless of the weather, fitting or rain, day or night. Each woman will wear traditional clothes differ according to age, young, old and in the customary position. Clothing above are for adult women and the role (stakeholders) in the Peoples.

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